1) People are often worried or stressed a) affectionate b) anxious c) rebellious 2) People always tell the truth and never cheat or steal a) insecure b) reliable c) honest 3) People like giving orders to other people a) bossy b) rebellious c) self-confident 4) People are friendly and enjoy being with other people a) competitive b) sociable c) outgoing 5) People have common sence and are practical a) sensible b) sensitive c) sympathetic 6) People are not confident about themselves a) self-confident b) selfish c) insecure 7) People behave like adults a) independent b) stubborn c) mature 8) Children are rude and behave badly because they are given everything they want a) rebellious b) spoilt c) moody 9) The opposite of reliable is a) irreliable b) disreliable c) unreliable 10) The opposite of mature is a) unmature b) immature c) inmature 11) The opposite of honest is a) honestless b) inhonest c) dishonest 12) The opposite of sensitive is a) insensitive b) unsensitive c) dissensitive 13) The opposite of imaginative is a) inimaginative b) unimaginative c) imimaginative

Personality Quiz


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