What are they
Examples from our community
2,304 results for 'what are they'
FCE I3-I4 Unit 6 What are they having done? (images)
Speaking cards
What have they been doing?
Open the box
Couples scenarios: "Are they ready for sex?"
Spin the wheel
she he they
Speaking cards
How old are you?
Maze chase
List of -ARE verbs
Flip tiles
Sentence Stories - what
Speaking cards
AIR sound spelt air, are
Match up
EAP I1 M2 U4 Describe what happened (past tenses)
Speaking cards
they sentences
Speaking cards
There is / There are
How to deal with anger/frustration
Maze chase
How are you today?
Matching pairs
What are they doing?
quiz -what are they
what are they?
Matching pairs
What are they wearing?
Spin the wheel
What are they?
Group sort
What are they wearing?
Flash cards
What are they?
Labelled diagram
What are they doing?
Match up
What is your favourite?
Spin the wheel
EC I1 M2 5B Used to: How did they change the world?
Speaking cards
What can you do?
Speaking cards
What can you do?
Speaking cards
What should I do?
Spin the wheel
What time is it?
Match up
What is it?
Open Box Plastic's Journey
Open the box
Ocean, How are you? By Alison von Dietze
Spin the wheel
appliances quiz -what are they
Speaking cards
Sounds what they are doing
Match up
What are they doing NOW?
Spin the wheel
she he they
Matching pairs
What is the first sound
Group sort
FCE I3-I4 M3 U9 Guess what happened
Open the box
9. 'air' air, are, ear, ere, eir
Open the box
True or false
What are they going to do?
Spin the wheel
Who are they? What do you think?
Speaking cards
What are they like? Personality Vocabulary UI
Speaking cards
Chapter 7 : What are they doing?
Match up
what are they? ( grouping the words)
Group sort
What are they doing in the house?