Games on am is are
Examples from our community
4,660 results for 'games on am is are'

Have has
Gameshow quiz

was were am is are
Complete the sentence

1A Ch2 is am are

is am are has have

is am are

Open the box

am is are /was were

1A Ch6 is/am/are/has/have
Complete the sentence

is /am / are
Complete the sentence

Ready 2A Unit 2 Grammar 1- am / is / are + ing
Complete the sentence

is am are has have

is am are has have
Maze chase

1A Ch2 is am are

1A Ch6 (is /am / are / has /have)
Complete the sentence

It is / They are

Verb to be is am are/ have has
Gameshow quiz

There is /There are
Group sort

There is / There are

It is / they are
Group sort

There is / There are
Balloon pop

It is they are

is /am / are
Complete the sentence

comparative and superlative
Spin the wheel

pronoun + is/am/are
Match up

is/ am/ are/ has/ have

is / am / are / have / has
Complete the sentence

1A Unit 3 (It is, They are)
Gameshow quiz

1A Unit 2 (He is, She is, We are)
Gameshow quiz

P.1 is/am/are/has/have
Complete the sentence

Verbs 2 (is/am/are/has/have)
Complete the sentence

Verbs: is / am / are / has/ have
Complete the sentence

1A Ch4,5 is am are has have
Open the box

Is/Are there any...?
Gameshow quiz

Is there / Are there?
Gameshow quiz

Do Does Is Are

Where is / Where are

It is / They are ...

It is / they are

1A unit 2 Grammar 1,2 "This is/ He is/ She is/ We are"
Complete the sentence

Revision (numbers, how many, is there and are there)
Gameshow quiz
P1 (is this, is that, are these, are those...?)
Gameshow quiz
P.1 Ch 5 is / am /are + ing
Complete the sentence
There is VS There are
Group sort