Tally mark
Examples from our community
194 results for 'tally mark'

Tally Mark Quiz

Ten & More Tally Match
Matching pairs

Tally Marks
Find the match

tally marks
Match up

Subitizing Tally Marks (1-15)
Find the match

Tally 1-6 Wheel
Spin the wheel

Tally Wheel
Spin the wheel

Tally marks
Open the box

Punctuation: Period, Exclamation Point, Question Mark
Gameshow quiz

Bossy R cloze passage (Sir Mark)
Complete the sentence

1C Tally chart /Pictograph
Gameshow quiz

Teen numbers tally, tens, numbers
Speaking cards

Tally Marks
Flip tiles

Tally Marks
Match up

Tally Marks with words
Find the match

Tally Match ( 1-16)
Find the match

Step 1 Review Words to Mark Up
Open the box

Suffix -s Suffix -es Read, Write, and Mark-Up
Spin the wheel

Tally Mark Quiz

Tally Mark Quiz

Match the Tally Marks with the Numbers (1-10)
Find the match

Tally Mark Match
Matching pairs

My little pony: Cutie Mark quiz
Image quiz

Ms. Cook's Tally Mark Flips
Flip tiles

Tally Mark Practice (1-15)
Find the match

Tally Charts - 2

Image Sort and Tally - 2
Labelled diagram

Ten & More Tally Match -3
Find the match

Match the tally mark to the digit
Balloon pop

Random numbers for Tally Mark Task
Open the box

Match the Tally Marks with the Numbers
Find the match

Tally Marks - 1
Find the match

Subitizing Tally Marks (1-15)
Find the match

Tally marks - A


Flash cards


Match up

Tally Marks
Match up

Tally Wheel
Spin the wheel

Tally Marks Find match
Find the match

Tally Marks (1-10)
Find the match

Timeline Tally Part 1
Match up
Shape Sort and Tally
Labelled diagram
Tally 1-10 Wheel
Spin the wheel
Tally hall word search
Color's of Tally
Spin the wheel
Word Hunt Tally
Tally Marks with words
Match up
Tally Marks Drill
Find the match