1) What is it called when a ray of light hits a surface and bounces off? a) bouncing light b) reflection c) absorption d) integration 2) How is a shadow formed? a) Light turns away to leave darkness. b) An opaque object blocks lights stopping it reflecting off a surface. c) Shut the blinds and this stops light getting in so its dark.. d) Turn the light off. 3) Where does Earth get its daylight from? a) From millions of light bulbs  b) The Moon. c) The stars. d) The Sun. 4) If a window lets no light through, what is the best way to describe the characteristics of the window? a) black b) dark c) closed d) opaque 5) How does a periscope work? a) 2 x aa batteries b) Light bends round the corners inside the unit c) Light is reflected on to mirrors the help it travel round corners d) Turn it on by pressing a switch. 6) Badgers and bats only come out at night, what is the word for this behaviour. a) strange b) antisocial c) nocturnal d) friendly e) wild 7) The moon follows the same path around the Earth, what is this path called? a) pathway b) roundabout c) route d) orbit 8) What controls the amount of light entering the eye? a) pupil b) retina c) eyelid d) sunglasses

Light Quiz Year 3


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