1) You ran out of chips but you're still hungry a) Say "more please" b) Stay quiet and hungry 2) Your friend is being mean to you a) Tell the teacher  b) Hit our friend 3) It's time for recess but you can't find your coat a) Ask your teacher for help b) Go outside with no coat 4) Her shoe is untied and she does not know how to tie them a) Leave them untied b) Ask for help 5) He doesn't know what to do for classwork a) Stay quiet and confused b) Raise his hand 6) You don't want to eat fish for dinner a) Say "no thank you" b) Push the food on the floor 7) He is bored and can't think of anything fun to do a) Ask a friend to play b) Make a bad choice  8) If you are upset at something a) Ask to take a break b) Hit your teacher 9) You need help opening some fruit snacks  a) Get upset b) Say "help please" 10) Someone keeps calling you the wrong name a) Yell at them b) Ask them nicely to stop

Self-advocacy K-2



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