I'm ____ the breakfast right now (Verb). Di you ____ out when it's ____? (Verb). They ____ all the pizza (Verb). ____ have done the level in just 5 minutes (Pronoun). ____ shouldn't do that (Pronoun). ____ is traveling to France right now (Pronoun). This video was made ____ National Geographic (Preposition). The ball is ____ U.S.A (Preposition). I am talking ____ the pink dolphins (Preposition). Homelander is ____ and ____ (Adjective). The computer is painted with ____ matte (Adjective). ____ my god, it can't be (Interjection). ____ i have not expected to this could happen (Interjection). I like to play soccer ____ volleyball (Conjunction). The pen falled of the table ____ i was eating (Conjunction).

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