Anther - the part of the stamen (male part) that contains pollen used for fertilization of ovules, stamen - the male part of a flower that contains the anther and the filament., pistil - the female part of a flower that contains the ovaries, ovules, style, and the "sticky" stigma. Also called the "carpel", sepals - small leaves that protect the flower when it is still in a bud, style - a long tube that holds up the stigma. Pollen grains will go down this tube during pollination to fertilize the ovules., stigma - located on the top of the style, this is the "sticky" part of the plant that receives the pollen., ovary - the part of the flower that contains the ovules that will become seeds once fertilized. This part of the flower will sometimes become the fruit once the ovules within it have been fertilized. (example: strawberry), ovules - the reproductive cells within the ovary. Once these are fertilized by pollen, they will become seeds., filament - the stalk that holds the anther up in the proper position for a pollinator to come into contact with the pollen on the anther.,




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