1) What are the functions of the Larynx? a) Breathing and preventing food from entering the respiratory system and make vocal sounds. b) Make vocal sounds, filter air and prevent the food from going back up the mouth. c) Control Metabolism, regulate breathing and make vocal sounds. 2) What is the role of the trachea? a) Prevent food from going the wrong way. b) Transport air into and out of the lungs. c) Connect the digegestive system to the mouth. 3) What is the role of the Diaphragm? a) Contract and suck air into the lungs. b) Make out voices sound feminine or masculine. c) Transport air more effectivly to the heart. 4) What is the role of the Alveoli? a) Transport inhaled nutrients into the body. b) Expand to allow more air into the lungs. c) Exchange Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide from and into the blood via diffusion. 5) What is the role of the Brochioles? a) Transport air into the blood stream. b) Transport air from the bronchi and into the alveoli. c) Filter air into different molecules such as oxygen, carbon dioxide. 6) Which Letter is the Oral Cavity? a) F b) A c) D 7) Which Letter is the Alveoli? a) B b) A c) G 8) Which Letter is the Nasal Cavity? a) G b) D c) B 9) Which Letter is the Broncioles? a) B b) F c) C 10) Which Letter is the Trachea? a) C b) E c) D 11) Which Letter is the Larynx? a) D b) E c) F 12) Which Letter is the Bronchus? a) C b) A c) D 13) Which is the correct definiton of Diffusion? a) The movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. b) The movement of water molecules into the bloodsteam. c) The movement of blood trough the body. 14) Which way does the water have to flow in order for a fish to breathe? a) Doesent need to flow, the fish can breathe perfectly fine in still water. b) The same direction its body its moving. c) Opposite the way its moving. 15) How many air sacks do birds have? a) 5 b) 9 c) 6

The Respiratory System - Game Show Quiz (15 Questions)



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