1) I went to bed early___ I was tired. a) so b) that's why c) because d) due to e) because of 2) I was hungry ___ I had a sandwich. a) due to b) so c) because of d) because e) that's why 3) We played football ___ my huge desire (бажання). a) due to b) so c) because d) but e) because of f) that's why 4) Mike likes funny films ___ he watches them with his family. a) so b) due to c) that's why d) because e) because of 5) I am thirsty ___ I will go to buy water. a) so b) because c) due to d) that's why e) because of 6) Paris is my favourite city ___ its Eifel Tower. a) due to b) because c) so d) that's why e) because of 7) Nick didn't do his homework __ his sick dog. a) because b) but c) because of d) due to e) that's why f) so 8) My mum was angry ___ I didn't tidy up my room. a) so b) because c) that's why d) because of e) due to 9) Alice can ride a bike _____ her father who taught her how to do it. a) that's why b) due to c) so d) because e) because of 10) I know how to cook this soup ___ I am gonna buy ingredients now! a) but b) so c) because d) that's why e) because of f) due to 11) I'm afraid of spiders ___ I don't work in Zoo. a) that's why b) because c) so d) but e) because of 12) Mary had a headache ___ she took a pill. a) due to b) that's why c) but d) because e) because of f) so 13) David is in bed ___ he has a cold. a) because b) due to c) so d) because of e) that's why 14) It rained yesterday ___ I took my umbrella. a) so b) because c) due to d) that's why e) because of

A2 That's why, and, so, because, due to



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