1) It’s difficult to make out what she’s saying. a) understand and/or hear b) repeat c) translate 2) He always puts off doing the tasks until last minute. a) dislike b) postpone c) promise 3) We ran out of milk. a) spill something (e.g. on the floor) b) leave something c) use all of something 4) We had to call the party off. a) cancel b) telephone guests c) postpone 5) I'm sorry, I have to go - something's just come up at home. a) arrive b) happen (usually unexpectedly) c) break 6) We can't figure out why he did it. a) understand something/someone b) ask someone c) forget 7) I thanked them for the offer but turned them down. a) switch off b) refuse c) ask a question 8) Could you pick up some takeout on your way home? a) find b) order c) buy 9) Children pick up new information really fast. a) learn  b) search c) forget 10) We spent the weekend hanging out by the pool. a) wait in a place b) work in a place c) spend a lot of time in a place

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