pedometer - a device that records the number of steps taken when worn, pedal - a lever pressed with the foot (e.g. on a bicycle, underneath a piano, or the accelerator of a car) , pedicure - cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails, biped - an animal that stands on two feet (e.g. a human), impediment - a hindrance or obstruction in doing something, centipede - a bug with many legs (often said to have one hundred), millipede - a bug said to have one thousand legs, moped - a bicycle worked by a motor (as opposed to by foot), pedestal - the (often stone) base for a statue or pillar, quadruped - an animal that stands on four legs (e.g. a dog or lion), expedition - a journey made in order to do something, pedestrian - a person who is walking (as opposed to a driver), podiatrist - a professional who treats issues with feet and walking, tripod - a three-legged stand for supporting something like a camera,

14. Ped/pod - foot



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