1) NEP FULL FORM____________. a) new education policy b) national education policy c) national educater policy d) new exam policy 2) full form of LOs _____________________ a) Learning Outsome b) Learning Overcome c) leasning Outcomes d) Learning Outcomes 3) National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy WHAT_______ a) NIPRN b) NEP c) NIPUN d) SBA 4) WHICH YEAR IN LATEST NAS SARVAY a) 2019 b) 2020 c) 2021 d) 2022 5) SBA FULL FORM a) SCHOOL BOYS ASSESMENT b) SCHOOL BASED AGRIMENT c) SCHOOL BASED ASSESMENT d) SCHOOL BY ASSESMENT 6) IN WHICH NOT DIGITAL LEARNING PLATEFORM a) SWAYAM b) CM E VIDHYA c) MISSION GYAN d) PM E VIDHYA 7) BAL GOPAL MILK YOJANA STARTED BY ___________ a) 29-10-2022 b) 29 -11-2022 c) 05-10-2022 d) 05-12-2022 8) निःशुल्क और अनिवार्य बाल शिक्षा का अधिकार अधिनियम 2009, राज्य में _________________ से लागू हुआ। a) 01-03-2010 b) 1-04-2010 c) 15-04-2010 d) 15-03-2010 9) CCE Full form __________________________ a) Continuous and Comprehensive Education b) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluationon c) Continuous and Compersell Evaluation d) Continuous and Compersell Evaluation 10) full form for DIKSHA a) Digital internate for knowledge Sharing b) Digital Infrastructure for knowledge School c) Digital Infrastructure for known lisning Sharing d) Digital Infrastructure for knowledge Sharing

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