The given 4-bit binary value "0100" that is used to identify an IPv4 packet., A 4-bit field in an IP header indicates the header length, with a minimum size of 20 bytes., Formally called a Type of Service (ToS) field, the DS field is an 8-bit field used to determine the priority of each packet. , The six most significant bits of the DiffServ field are the Differentiated Service Code Point (DSCP)., The last two bits are the Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) bits., The total length field in an IP packet defines the packet size, ranging from a minimum of two bytes to a maximum of 65,535 bytes, although practical packets tend to be smaller., As an IP packet moves through the internet, it might need to cross a route that cannot handle the size of the packet. , The packet will be divided, or fragmented into smaller packets and reassembled later., These fields are used to fragment and reassemble packets., The 8-bit Time-to-Live (TTL) field in an IP packet, set by the sender, decreases at routers, and if it reaches zero, the packet is discarded, and an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Time Exceeded message is sent to the source IP., The 8-bit binary field in an IP packet specifies the next-level protocol, helping the network layer route the data to the appropriate upper-layer protocol, with common values like ICMP (1), TCP (6), and UDP (17).,  A value that is calculated based on the contents of the IP header. Used to determine if any errors have been introduced during transmission., Contains a 32-bit binary value that represents the source IPv4 address of the packet. The source IPv4 address is always a unicast address., Contains a 32-bit binary value that represents the destination IPv4 address of the packet., This field in an IP packet can be of varying length, and if it's not a multiple of 32 bits, it's padded with zeros to make it a multiple of 32 bits..


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