What are the three main types of musical instruments? - String, Wind and Percussion instruments, Which musical instruments let us blow air through them? - Wind/Woodwind instruments, Which musical instruments let us pluck the strings? - String instruments, Which musical instruments let us hit or shake them? - Percussion instruments, What type of musical instrument is a piano? - Percussion instrument, A single sound made in music is called? - A note, Play two notes or more at one time is called? - A chord, Notes and chords played one after the other is called? - A melody, Thumps sound that make you want to dance is called? - Beats, Put slow and fast beats together, repeat them over time, what do you get? - A rhythm, What is the man singing in the middle in a band? - A lead singer, You can _______for an audience on stage. - perform, I will invite my friend to see a _______ of 'May Day'. - concert,

Our World 5: Unit 3 - Music in Our World



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