1) IN? a) Bên trong b) Bên trên c) Bên dưới d) Bên cạnh 2) ON? a) Bên trong b) Bên trên c) Bên dưới d) Bên cạnh 3) UNDER? a) Bên trong b) Bên trên c) Bên dưới d) Bên cạnh 4) NEXT TO? a) Bên trong b) Bên trên c) Bên dưới d) Bên cạnh 5) IN FRONT OF? a) Đằng trước b) Đằng sau 6) BEHIND? a) Đằng trước b) Đằng sau 7) BETWEEN? a) Đằng trước b) Đằng sau c) Ở giữa 8) Where is the bear? a) under b) in c) on d) behind 9) Where is the apple? a) behind b) under c) in front of d) on 10) Where is the cat? a) in b) on c) under d) behind 11) Where is the apple? a) next to b) on c) behind 12) Where is the girl? a) on b) under c) in front of d) behind 13) Where is the elephant? a) on b) under c) in front of d) next to 14) Where is the cat? a) between b) under c) in front of d) next to 15) The cat is _ _ the box. a) in b) under c) in front of d) next to 16) The cat is _ _ _ _ _ _ the box. a) behind b) under c) in front of d) next to 17) The cat is _ _ _ _ _ _ the box. a) on b) under c) in front of d) next to 18) The cat is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the box. a) on b) under c) in front of d) next to

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