1) In which century did "our" Fair-Trade" emerge? a) 16th Century b) 18th Century c) 20th Century d) 17th Century e) 19th Century f) 21st Century 2) Where did the first "store" open? a) United States of America b) Nethelands c) France d) United Kingdom e) Germany f) Italy 3) What are the most common fairly traded resources? a) Coffee b) Cocoa c) Sugar d) Cotton e) Bananas f) Flowers 4) Which of the before mentioned products was the "first" to be a "success"? a) Flowers b) Bananas c) Sugar d) Cotton e) Coffee f) Cocoa 5) When did the Logo get "born"? a) 2000 b) 2003 c) 2001 d) 1992 e) 2002 f) 2012 6) Is it worth buying Fair-Trade products with a different logo? a) Yes b) Yes, but only if the have a QR-Code on the product c) No d) Maybe, after some research e) No, some companies just want to get more for a regular product f) There aren´t any different logos 7) Only organic products can be fair trade a) No b) Yes c) What are organic products? 8) Fair-Trade is more than just "the producers gets more money"? a) No, it´s only that b) Yes, it also fights crimes c) Yes, it also helps to empower women d) Yes, it also helps to even out the balance between rich and poor, thus changing an entire way of thinking

Fair Trade



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