1) Out of one's mind; insane a) mnemonic b) demented c) ration d) notorious e) reconnaisance f) connoisseur 2) a pardon for offenses a) diagnosis b) mentality c) idiom d) enumerate e) nonplussed f) amnesty 3) brave; courageous a) avail b) valiant c) forte d) fortitude e) enduring f) durable 4) to back up; support a) robust b) consolidate c) duration d) solidarity e) forte f) corroborate 5) support or sympathy; unity a) solidarity b) idiom c) idiosyncrasy d) surplus e) plurality f) insular 6) strength of mind; bravery a) plurality b) headstrong c) enumerate d) fortitude e) singular f) innumerable 7) to list separately; to count off a) innumerable b) categorize c) insular d) insulate e) surplus f) enumerate 8) What does idiosyncrasy mean? a) limited in knowledge or perspective b) a peculiar quality; a quirk c) a list separately; to count off d) to isolate; to choose e) a strong point; a skill f) seperated from others, unique 9) What does nonplussed mean? a) an amount beyond what is necessary b) an exploration to gain knowledge or information c) sound in mind; logical d) baffled; confused e) aiding in memory f) out of one's mind; insane 10) strength of mind; bravery a) fortitude b) avail c) forte d) consolidate e) solidarity f) robust

Unit 7,8 &9



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