We live in an a... (ritch) neighborhood. - affluent, We need to make f... changes to the way in which we treat our environment. - fundamental, In 1991 almost 36 million Americans were living below the p... l.../t.... - poverty line/threshold, They opened a s... to provide temporary housing for the city's homeless. - shelter, Far too many are surviving just above the b.... - breadline, By the time we saw the child, she was extremely m.... - malnourished., Many illnesses in these temporary refugee camps are the result of inadequate s.... - sanitation, These measures are intended to help people from a d.... areas of the city. - deprived, Far more resources are needed to improve adult l.... - literacy, There were food shortages and other d... during the Civil War. - deprivations, It’s not easy to m... e... m... with a big family, but somehow we manage. - make ends meet, Some beggars are neither p...-s... nor homeless. - poverty-stricken, Her family was i... and didn't own a computer. - impoverished, The floods left thousands of people d.... - destitute, My father earned very little and there were four kids, so we lived f... h... t... m.... - from hand to mouth, I've had to t... my b... since I stopped working full-time. - tighten (my) belt, When money's t..., it's a great idea to look over your spending for small ways to trim costs. - tight, For many people in lower i... b..., saving for retirement is less important than buying the groceries or paying the bills. - income brackets, If I can't find any work within a month, I'll have to go o.. t... d... - on the dole, Please stop making that noise! It really g... o... m... n.... - gets on my nerves, She's been h... since the accident. - housebound, The town has shelters and food handouts for v.... - vagrants, He's working in a fast food place, making m... w.... - minimum wage, T... f... after a three-hour delay at the Airport yesterday. - Tempers flared, At the age of 45, he is p... i... as a football player. - past it, When I park in her space, it really g... h... g.... - gets her goat, My biggest g... about living here is the hot weather. - gripe, There's no point g... about the price of things. - griping, Buying a house often places a large financial b... on young couples. - burden, With the current a... rents, getting another flat is out of the question. - astronomical,

Poverty (vocabulary)



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