
Ict 5th primary

Examples from our community

938 results for 'ict 5th primary'

Quiz 1 for 1st Prep, Term 1
Quiz 1 for 1st Prep, Term 1 Quiz
Input & output devices
Input & output devices Balloon pop
MS Word
MS Word Labelled diagram
ICT 5th pry L3 (Mrs. Sahar Mohammady)
ICT 5th pry L3 (Mrs. Sahar Mohammady) Find the match
ICT L2 5th pry (Mrs. Sahar Mohammady)
ICT L2 5th pry (Mrs. Sahar Mohammady) Open the box
ICT Group sort
lesson 3&4 5th pry (Mrs.Sahar Mohammady)
lesson 3&4 5th pry (Mrs.Sahar Mohammady) Win or lose quiz
ICT Group sort
امتحان الصف الخامس ict
امتحان الصف الخامس ict Open the box
MS Paint
MS Paint Labelled diagram
Match each shape
Match each shape Match up
weather Quiz
ICT 5 Match up
ICT  grade4
ICT grade4 Quiz
Grade5 ICT
Grade5 ICT Quiz
ICT Grade 5
ICT Grade 5 Open the box
Game 2 , 2nd primary
Game 2 , 2nd primary Complete the sentence
Present Simple - Question Form
Present Simple - Question Form Quiz
5th lesson, u2 Top goal 1
5th lesson, u2 Top goal 1 Quiz
Primary 5.Theme3.Week 1
Primary 5.Theme3.Week 1 Open the box
Focus Airplane
Make a list
Make a list Spin the wheel
Quiz 1 ICT 5
Quiz 1 ICT 5 Match up
Lesson 4 - Graded Classwork
Lesson 4 - Graded Classwork Hangman
Grade4- ICT-Theme1-lesson1 term1
Grade4- ICT-Theme1-lesson1 term1 Complete the sentence
Parts of the Webpage
Parts of the Webpage Matching pairs
lesson 3
lesson 3 Quiz
Commerical and non
Commerical and non Quiz
ICT things
ICT things Match up
g4 Hangman
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