
الأحرف العربية

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584 results for 'الأحرف العربية'

الحروف العربية
الحروف العربية Find the match
Flip Tiles-He does/ is doing
Flip Tiles-He does/ is doing Flip tiles
Initial, medial, and final positions & Sounds of the Arabic alphabets-Open Box
Initial, medial, and final positions & Sounds of the Arabic alphabets-Open Box Open the box
Doubling الشدة
Doubling الشدة Speaking cards
أشكال الحروف العربية / القاعدة النورانية
أشكال الحروف العربية / القاعدة النورانية Find the match
The Train of the Abjadiya
The Train of the Abjadiya Balloon pop
أشكال الحروف Forms of the letters
أشكال الحروف Forms of the letters Quiz
6b masculine and feminine classify
6b masculine and feminine classify Group sort
تدرب قليلا
تدرب قليلا Anagram
أشكال الحروف العربية مع الحركات / التشكيل
أشكال الحروف العربية مع الحركات / التشكيل Matching pairs
الأشهر العربية
الأشهر العربية Match up
9a restaurant match pic word
9a restaurant match pic word Match up
Hangman-You are doing / You do  ♂ أنتَ
Hangman-You are doing / You do ♂ أنتَ Hangman
الأحرف العربية
الأحرف العربية Speaking cards
حروف القلقلة
حروف القلقلة Whack-a-mole
العمل / العربية بين يديك
العمل / العربية بين يديك Flash cards
Quiz-The Train of the Abjadiya
Quiz-The Train of the Abjadiya Quiz
Hangman- You are all doing/ do  أنتُم
Hangman- You are all doing/ do أنتُم Hangman
Hangman- We are doing/ do Male/Mixed نحن
Hangman- We are doing/ do Male/Mixed نحن Hangman
Hangman- You'er both doing/ do ♂/♀ أنتُما
Hangman- You'er both doing/ do ♂/♀ أنتُما Hangman
Hangman- You're doing/do -Female -You all ♀  أنْتُنَّ
Hangman- You're doing/do -Female -You all ♀ أنْتُنَّ Hangman
Hangman- You are doing / you do ♀ أنتِ
Hangman- You are doing / you do ♀ أنتِ Hangman
First Person Plural Pronoun (We)- with verbs نحن
First Person Plural Pronoun (We)- with verbs نحن Speaking cards
2e Present with I hit moles
2e Present with I hit moles Whack-a-mole
2d present with all subjects match words
2d present with all subjects match words Find the match
4c numbers 1-10 match word and number
4c numbers 1-10 match word and number Match up
2a Present with Singular match words
2a Present with Singular match words Match up
3e extended rearrange letters
3e extended rearrange letters Anagram
2d jobs extended pic match
2d jobs extended pic match Quiz
2h Present with I he match words
2h Present with I he match words Group sort
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