1) why is the math book sad :( ? a) because people hates math XD b) because it has so many problems :/ c) because someone put it in the trash can D: d) because he doesnt have a friend ( math teacher ) e) because theres no math today f) none of the above :^ 2) imagine if you eat brunch but you eat only half of the plate Question : who will eat the rest of the plate a) no-one b) your parent ( if your a kid this is your answer ) c) your pet ( imagine you have a pet ) d) your favorite youtuber e) your table f) the sink 3) etirovaf whats the word ? ( its not a joke but its a bonus point if you get it correct then here you go bonus point ) a) favorite b) rovatrite c) entirevaf d) rovetifa e) - f) - 4) how many teacher do you want to met in your house ? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 f) 0 5) Congrats!! you passed my quiz!! heres your prize , choose any of it!! a) cookies b) cheese c) iphone 12 d) sausage e) 1,000,000,000 dollars f) 3 computers

a joke quiz



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