1) Жаль, что я не могу пойти туда a) I wish I can go there b) I wish I could go there c) I wish I could have gone there 2) Эх, если бы покрасили стены в синий...Красный мне совсем не нравится a) I wish we paint the wall blue b) I wish we painted the wall blue c) I wish we had painted the wall blue 3) Я бы хотел быть выше a) I wish I will be taller b) I wish I were taller c) I wish I had been taller 4) Вот бы я умел плавать a) I wish I can swim b) I wish I could swim c) I wish I had been able to swim 5) Зря я послал его к черту :) a) I wish I told him to go to hell b) I wish I didn't tell him to go to hell c) I wish I had told him to go to hell d) I wish I hadn't told him to go to hell 6) Не надо было отменять встречу a) I wish I cancelled the meeting b) I wish I didn't cancel the meeting c) I wish I had cancelled the meeting d) I wish I hadn't cancelled the meeting 7) Надо было копить деньги! a) I wish I saved some money b) I wish I didn't save any money c) I wish I had saved some money d) I wish I hadn't saved some money


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