throw away  - to get rid of something you do not want any more, fossil fuel  - resources, such as gas, coal, and oil, that were formed underground  from plant and animal remains millions of years ago, carbon emissions  - CO2 that planes, cars, factories, etc. produce, thought to be harmful to the environment, global warming  - a gradual increase in world temperatures caused by gases such as carbon  dioxide, eco-friendly - designed to have little or no damaging effect on the environment, energy consumption  - the act of using energy, or the amount that is used, etc., recycle - to put used objects or materials through a special process so that they can be used again, reuse - to use something again, renewable sources - relating to forms of energy that are produced using the sun, wind, etc., rather than those using fuels such as oil or coal, reduce pollution - to make the damage caused to water, air, etc. less,

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