Primary Sector:  coal miner , deep-sea fisherman , migrant farm worker  , lumberjack , sector of the economy extracts or harvests products from the earth such as raw materials and basic foods, Secondary Sector : steelworker , construction worker , autoworker , meatpacking plant worker , sector of the economy produces finished goods from the raw materials extracted by the primary economy, Tertiary Sector : insurance salesman , Amazon delivery driver , Accountant , chef , This sector sells the goods produced by the secondary sector and provides commercial services to both the general population and to businesses., Quaternary : software developer , cancer researcher , college professor  , consists of intellectual activities often associated with technological innovation, Quinary Sector : Howard County School Superintendent, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Samsung, U.S. Senator , sector involves the highest levels of decision-making in a society or economy,

Economic Sectors (APHG Topic 7.2)



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