1) Inertia of a body depends on a) Weight of the body b) Acceleration due to gravity of the planet c) Both a and b 2) The eye defect presbyopia can be corrected by a) Convex lens b) Bi focal lenses c) Concave lens 3) Which of the following is triatomic molecules a) Glucose b) Helium c) Corban dioxide 4) The number of periods and group in the periodic table are  a) 6,16 b) 7,17 c) 7,18 5) Alloy is used to make propeller a) Stainless steel b) duralumin c) nickel steel 6) The Animal which give birth to young ones called a) Oviparous b) Viviparous c) Omniparous 7) Heart of the heart is called a) SA node b) AV node c) Bundle of his 8) Vomiting centre is located in a) Thalamus b) medulla oblongata c) Cerebrum 9) Chemical formula of rust is a) FeO.xH2O b) Fe2O3.xH2O c) FeO 10) The blood sucking habit of leech is known as a) Herbivorous b) Sanguivorous c) Omnivorous

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