1) What are the 4 chambers of the heart? a) Brain, Arm, Leg and Ear b) Vena Cava, Aorta, Coronary Artery and Capilar. c) Right Atria, Left Atria, Right Ventricle, Left Ventricle 2) What are the functions of the veins? a) Carry blood to places where its dificult to reach b) Carry blood with poor oxygen to the heart c) Carry blood with lots of oxygen 3) Which is the biggest artery in our body? a) The Aorta b) The pulmonary artery c) The coronary arteries 4) What does Coronary Heart Disease mean? a) It means the heart does not pump well. b) That an Artery is blocked by mucus c) That an Artery is blocked by fats 5) Which Three Kinds of blood vessels do we have? a) Aorta, Vena Cava, Pulmonary Veins b) Arteries, Capilaries and veins c) Right Atria, Left Atria and Right Ventricle 6) What is the main function of the pacemaker? a) Control the heart rate b) Pump blood to the rest of the body c) Contract and relax to help the heart beat

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