1) Also be known as our "emotional wellbeing" a) Good physical health b) Education c) Mental health d) Geographical location 2) A person's health is the condition of their body and the extent to which it is free from illness or is able to resist illness. a) Healthy eating b) Good physical health c) Mental health d) Geographical location 3) Wellbeing is about feeling good and functioning well and comprises an individual’s experience of their life; and a comparison of life circumstances with social norms and values. a) Education b) Wellbeing c) Excersise d) Sleep 4) This means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions, and consuming the right amount of food and drink to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. a) Sleep b) Crime c) Income d) Healthy eating 5) Getting good quality sleep can help you feel like your best self. Healthy sleep patterns improve learning, memory, creativity, and mood1. Healthy sleep also strengthens the immune system and makes it easier to maintain a healthy diet. a) Good physical health b) Sleep c) Employment d) Mental health 6) People who exercise regularly have a lower risk of developing many long-term (chronic) conditions, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and some cancers. a) Social capital  b) Excersise c) Healthy eating d) Wellbeing 7) Built and natural environment such as air quality and housing quality can affect health a) Geographical location b) Social capital  c) Sleep d) Employment 8) Provides knowledge and capabilities that contribute to mental, physical and social wellbeing  a) Employment b) Social capital  c) Sleep d) Education 9) Financial resources determine the extent to which a person can invest in goods that can improve health or invest in goods which are bad to health  a) Wellbeing b) Crime c) Geographical location d) Income 10) Is good for physical and mental health, and can provide valuable social interactions as well as income.  a) Sleep b) Education c) Income d) Employment 11) Affects individuals when witnessed, being a victim or being a perpetrator. a) Sleep b) Employment c) Crime d) Wellbeing 12) Community life, social interactions are vital in individuals' wellbeing a) Social capital  b) Income c) Excersise d) Education 13) How many days working days are lost in Britain due to work related stress? a) 5 million b) 13.5 Million c) 50 million d) 18 million e) 2 million f) 25 million

Factors affecting wellbeing



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