entender/comprender - to understand, terminar - to finish, ganar - to win/to earn, incluir - to include, morir - to die, asegurar - to secure/to insure, occurir - to occur/to happen, ofrecer - to offer, jugar - to play, gustar - to like, escuchar - to listen, sentar - to sit down, cambiar - to change, aparecer - to appear, acabar - to end/to finish, decidir - to decide, cumplir - to accomplish, caer - to fall, desarollar - to develop, necesitar - to need, sacar - to take/to remove, establecer - to establish, conseguir - to get, indicar - to indicate, leer - to read, reconocer - to recognize, dirigir - to lead, servir - to serve, alcanzar - to reach, intentar - to try,

Part 3 100 verbos



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