1) Due to germanic invasions. . . a) The North of the empire is divided into small kingdoms (4th/6th century) b) The West is divided into kingdoms (5th/7th century) c) The East of the empire collapses creating small kingdoms (5th/7th century). 2) what will the monarchy be like? a) Hereditary  b) By choice c) In a war 3) The unwinter laws will be passed generation to generation a) Yes b) No c) I don't know 4) Who are the Visigoths? a) Tribe from the south of Germany, settlement I. P. b) Germanic tribe from the north of Europe, first settlement in France and then I. P. c) Tribe that appeared in Europe 5) When did the Visigoths come to the Iberian Peninsula? a) They are Romans who invaded the Peninsula in the early 5th century b) They are Germans, they invaded the Peninsula at the beginning of the 7th century, when the Roman Empire did not exist c) They are part of the Germans, they invaded the Peninsula at the beginning of the 5th century, when the Roman Empire was starting its decline 6) Visigothic capital in the I.P. a) Teruel b) Toledo c) Tolosa 7) Organization of the kingdom a) hereditary b) counail c) hereditary - counail 8) Why did you change the capital? a) Huns/Franks displace Visigoths in southern France to the Iberian Peninsula b) Invade other territories c) Change the reign




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