Repetition - used to repeat instructions in a program, Events - One thing causing another thing to happen, Algorithm - a set of steps to follow, Costume - Variety in the ways a sprite can appear, Sprite - a character that can be programmed, Debugging - Fixing/finding mistakes that exist in code, Sequence - steps are carried out in order, Selection - using and if statement to decide which instruction is next, Script - Scratch blocks joined together to create a sequence of instructions, Broadcast - A message sent through the Scratch program, activating "When I receive ( )" blocks, block - an instruction in Scratch, program - a set of instructions in computer code, stage - the area containing the sprites, where a Scratch project runs, variable - used to store data in a program,

Cfe Scratch



Balloon pop is an open-ended template. It does not generate scores for a leaderboard.

Visual style


Switch template

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