1) How many Days are in the week? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 2) What day comes after Monday? a) Monday b) Tuesday c) Wednesday 3) Which Day comes before Monday? a) Sunday b) Monday c) Friday 4) Can you choose the correct Spelling? a) Satarday b) Saturday c) Saturdy 5) If today is Tuesday,what day was yesterday? a) Monday b) Saturday c) Tuesday 6) The Day before Friday................... a) Thursday b) Saturday c) Monday 7) Which is Spelt correctly? a) Thirsday b) tharsday c) Thursday 8) Which one is the correct? a) Tuesdy b) Tuesday c) Tesday 9) Which Day comes before Sunday? a) Thursday b) Saturday c) Monday 10) What day comes after Tuesday? a) Monday b) Wednesday c) Thursday

Days of the Week


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