1) What is the smallest part of an element called? a) Atom b) Compound c) Molecule 2) What is matter that is made up of 2 or more elements? a) Element b) Compound c) Atom 3) What is the idea that everything around you is made up of small particles called ? a) Compound b) Atom c) Atomic theory 4) What do two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom combine to form ? a) Carbon dioxide b) Oxygen c) Water 5) What is salt ? a) A compound b) A molecule c) An atom 6) What do two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen combine to form? a) Carbon dioxide   b) Water c) Oxygen 7) What is the smallest part of a compound that still has the properties of that compound called? a) Atom b) Molecule c) Compound 8) Table salt is made up of which 2 elements? a) Carbon and hydrogen b) Sodium and chlorine c) oxygen and hydrogen

Unit 1: Lesson 2: Model Matter



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