1) When I am feeling left out of a group a) "You all look like you're having fun. Can I join?" b) "It looks like you all are boring anyway c) Leave the group without talking to anyone d) Stop excluding me! 2) When I really want something from my parents a) Get angry and give them the silent treatment b) "Why can't you understand why I need this?" c) "I'd like to tell you the reasons that I want this. I've given it a lot of thought and would like to talk about it. I'll listen to your side as well" d) Just but this for me! 3) When I really want to do something with others a) "Why aren't you including me?" b) Join without asking them if I can be included c) Walk away without asking them to join d) "I think that will be fun. I would really like to be included, okay?" 4) When I have something important to say or want to share my opinion a) "I'm right and you're wrong" b) "I have been thinking about this, and I have an opinion. I would like to say something about this please" c) "Your opinion is not correct" d) Interrupt the conversation and talk over whoever is speaking 5) When I am feeling ignored in a conversation a) "I am feeling a little left out. Can I join the conversation please?" b) "Why aren't you listening to me?" c) Say nothing and walk away from the group d) Interrupt others while they're talking 6) Your friend wants to go to a haunted house next weekend. You know there will be a lot of flashing lights which will bother you. a) Go to the haunted house even though it makes you really uncomfortable b) "I'm not really comfortable going to a haunted house. Can we make plans to go somewhere else?" c) Don't go to and without telling your friends why d) "I hate haunted houses!" 7) Your friend starts to gossip about another friend of yours, which makes you uncomfortable.  a) Say nothing b) Interrupt the conversation without addressing that it's making you uncomfortable c) "I'm friends with that person, and what you're saying is not kind. Hearing you speak about them that way is making me uncomfortable." d) "You're being so rude" 8) You and a classmate are doing a group project together. He assigns you most of the work, which you think is unfair. a) "I'm not doing all this work" b) Say nothing, even though the work is overwhelming you. c) "I feel like the work for this project is not equally split up. Can we talk about how we can split up the work more evenly? d) Refuse to work on the project 9) Your friends are all playing a game that is unfamiliar to you. You want to join them but you don't know the rules a) Say nothing b) "I haven't played this game before, can you tell me the rules?" c) "This game is boring! Let's play something else" d) Leave the group even though you wanted to play with them 10) Your friend made a joke that is unkind and hurt your feelings.  a) 'Why would you say that?" b) "What you said wasn't kind and made me feel upset" c) Say nothing, even though you are upset d) Change the topic of conversation without addressing the unkind comment

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