1) When do people celebrate Halloween? 1.When do people celebrate Halloween? When do people celebrate Halloween?  a) on the 1st of November b) on the 31 of October c) 2 days: on the 31 of October and on the 1st of November 2) How did people name Halloween long ago? a) All Saints Day b) Hello Good Day c) Day of the Dead 3) Was Halloween a religious holiday? a) Yes, it was. b) No, it wasn`t. It always was and is about fun. c) Yes, it was. But only in the USA. 4) Where does Halloween come from? a) the USA b) Ireland c) Greece 5) What costumes do people wear on Halloween night? a) funny costumes b) elegant costumes c) scary costumes 6) Trick or treating is about... a) going from door to door and asking for candies b) singing in people`s houses c) telling scary stories 7) What vegetable do some people in the UK use instead of pumpkin to make Jack-o`-lantern? a) turnip b) carrot c) cougette 8) What do traditional colours of Halloween symbolize (black and orange)? a) carved pumpkin (Jack-o`-lantern) b) life and death c) good and evil

Halloween QUIZ



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