1) In what year was Amazon founded? a) 1994 b) 1998 c) 2000 d) 2002 2) Where was Amazon's first headquarters located? a) Seattle, Washington b) San Francisco, California c) New York, New York d) Austin, Texas 3) What is the name of Amazon's virtual assistant? a) Siri b) Alexa c) Atari d) Cortana 4) When did Amazon go public and start trading on the stock market? a) 1997 b) 1999 c) 2001 d) 2004 5) Who briefly surpassed Jeff Bezos as the world's richest person in 2017? a) Elon Musk b) Warren Buffett c) Bill Gates d) Mark Zuckerberg 6) What popular streaming platform did Amazon acquire in 2014? a) Hulu b) Netflix c) Youtube d) Twitch

Amazon Trivia Quiz



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