Text topology - a branch of text linguistics which studies different types of texts, criteria for their differentiation, linguistic and extralinguistic peculiarities of text types, their taxonomy and classification, Register - varieties of texts reflecting different communicative situations such as shopping, advertising, church services, medicine, football and so on, Narration - an inherent part of the literary text, it narrates some events in their development, conveys the plot of the text, and represents its factual information, Reasoning - an important role in text perception. It usually contains the author’s conclusions, judgements, generalizations., А text type - a culture specific productive model, which, being different in its content structure, is specified by a system of invariant semantic, structural and functional characteristics, Heterogeneity - mixed text types, Description - used for characterization of various objects of nature, human beings and their appearances, inner psychological states, The oral text type - intended at auditory perception, it is spontaneous and linear,




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