1) How many types of memory are there in a computer? a) 3 b) 2 c) 8 d) 4 2) The primary memory of a computer can also be called as a) Internal memory b) Main memory c) Primary storage d) All of these 3) What is the range of a binary system? a) 0 to 1 b) 0 to 8 c) 0 to 16 d) 0 to 4 4) 1 Byte = _______ bits a) 4 b) 8 c) 2 d) 6 5) The two kinds of main memory are _____________ a) RAM & ROM b) Primary and secondary c) Random and sequential d) cache and virtual 6) _______________________ stores the information temporarily. a) ROM b) RAM c) Cache d) Virtual 7) ______________________________ is the main secondary storage medium for computers. a) Hard Disk b) DVD c) CD d) Flash memory 8) 1024 KB= _____________ ? a) 1 MB b) 1 GB c) 1 TB d) 1 PB

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