Examples from our community
1,588 results for 'business'

Suggestion Game
Speaking cards

Customer Service

BR B1 U2 to+infinitive vs gerund
Flip tiles

Business discussion
Speaking cards

Business Result_PI_U1.1_Vocabulary
Complete the sentence

BR A2 U1 Companies
Complete the sentence

Speaking using present simple and present continuous
Speaking cards

BR Advanced U2 Working with words, Speaking
Speaking cards

Business Result_PI_U3.1_Vocabulary
Find the match

Match up

Business Starter questions
Spin the wheel

Decisions, Business Result Intermediate
Open the box

Compromise: some random phrases

Writing Emails. Dos and Don'ts
Group sort

Company structure. Business Result PI
Complete the sentence

BR A2+ U4 Visitors (Working with words)
Find the match

A2+ BR Revision
Flip tiles

Business Result INT revision of unit 1
Speaking cards

Opening a meting: Agenda

Opening a meeting
Group sort

Cliches: choose the word
Complete the sentence

Meeting Board Game take a task cards
Speaking cards

Opening a meeting: Start

BR A2 U1 Business Communication
Find the match

Meeting Board Game take a task cards
Speaking cards

Business Result_PI_11.1_Vocabulary
Match up

Business Result_PI_U13.1_Vocabulary
Match up

Business Result_PI_12.1_Vocabulary
Match up

Business. Discuss
Spin the wheel

BR B1 4.1 WWW. Services and systems
Speaking cards

Business Result_PI_U15.3_Key expressions
Group sort

Business Result_PI_U1.1 Vocabulary
Speaking cards

Business Result_PI_Unit 11_Business communication
Find the match
Business Result_PI_14.3_Key expressions
Group sort
Business Result_PI_U11_Language at work
Group sort
Business result_PI_Final class
Open the box
Business Result-Unit 1
Match up
Business Warm-up
Speaking cards
Business Result_PI_10.1_The environment (voc.)
Find the match
Business Result_PI_11.3_Key expressions
Group sort