K initial sounds
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'k initial sounds'

Alliteration 3
Gameshow quiz

Alliteration 5
Gameshow quiz

Initial Sounds
Spin the wheel

/k/ words-Initial
Spin the wheel

initial Sounds

Letter G memory game
Watch and memorize

Initial Sounds-Letter Match
Find the match

Matching Initial Sounds
Find the match

k-initial words
Matching pairs

initial C or K?
Matching pairs

Initial Sounds-Image Quiz
Image quiz

Initial sounds
Spin the wheel

Initial Sounds

Initial sounds

Initial Sounds Th and F
Group sort

Initial Sounds/Letter Recognition
Gameshow quiz

Initial Letter sounds
Speaking cards

Match the initial sounds
Matching pairs

Initial Sounds-Letter Match
Find the match

Initial Sounds Match
Find the match

Picture Sort with Letters and Initial Sounds
Group sort

Initial Sounds/Letter Recognition
Gameshow quiz

f, b, t - match the initial sounds
Find the match

2.4 Initial sounds Y/W sort
Group sort

Initial Sounds-Letter Match (C-L)
Find the match

initial or final /sh/
Group sort

Alliteration 4
Gameshow quiz

/y/, /w/ Initial Sound Sort
Group sort

Initial sound contest
Gameshow quiz

/a/, /o/ initial sound sort
Group sort

I see (initial consonant sounds)
Find the match

Beginning Sounds
Speaking cards

Middle Sounds

C or K
Maze chase

/k/ initial medial final position
Speaking cards

Fundations Sounds- Flip Tiles
Flip tiles

/sh/ words (3 sounds)
Match up

Initial K
Matching pairs

initial sound /w/ Whack a Mole

Initial sound /y/ Whack a Mole

Initial L Words
Matching pairs
Fundations Sounds- Flip Tiles (- pictures)
Flip tiles
SH or CH Sounds
Group sort
Pre-K Letter Sounds
ch sounds like k
Spin the wheel
Wilson 12.4 sounds of /k/
Matching pairs
K Long vowel sounds
Group sort
/k/ and /kw/ sounds
Group sort
2.2 Initial sounds of a & i words
True or false