1) My grandmother often .................... to us on Sunday. a) is coming b) comes c) come 2) George .................. mother in the kitchen now. a) help b) is helping c) does not help 3) Andrew's brother .................... in a big house with his family. a) lives b) is living c) do not live 4) They ................. cakes now. a) do not make b) are not making c) make 5) Mr Turner always ......................... football matches on television on Saturday. a) watches b) is watching c) watch 6) .................... at the moment? a) Eat you b) Do you eat c) Are you eating 7) This man .................. with his children now. a) is not playing b) does not play c) plays 8) Judy often ......... to her neighbours. a) is talking b) talks c) do not talk 9) Look! Frank ................... some fruit on his plate. a) carries b) is carrying c) carry 10) Do your parents sometimes .................... Warsaw? a) visiting b) visits c) visit 11) We ..................... in the living room at the moment. a) rest b) have resting c) aren't resting 12) She hardly ever .................... late to school. a) come b) comes c) is coming 13) My father ..................... a book. He is watching the News. a) reads not b) isn't reading c) doesn't read 14) ......................... they often dance together? a) Are b) Does c) Do 15) You never ................ any pictures to your room. a) are buying b) buys c) buy 16) Our young brother ................ a film on TV now. a) isn't watching b) watches c) doesn't watch 17) Listen! ................... his mother knocking at the door? a) Are b) Is c) Does 18) What ..................... this Saturday? a) he does b) is he doing c) he doing 19) I usually ....................... (read) books on Sundays . a) reads b) am reading c) read 20) When .................. they usually eat lunch? a) do b) are c) have

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